Tuesday, October 24, 2006

October Update

Things people have said to me since I moved to Vancouver that no one said to me back home:

1. I look like Superman. Or Clark Kent, but hey, remove the glasses and add a jerry-curl and you have the former. This has been said by at least three different people who have no contact with each other. I guess it's the best compliment I've received so far, which rocks. Because Supe is cool. My Halloween costumer idea (pre-beard) was to dress in a suit and reporter hat with glasses and have a Superman t-shirt underneath that I could tear-away my dress shirt to reveal. It's been done before, but it beats the alternative of a full-on skin-tight blue red and yellow body suit. I need to drop a few libby's before I could pull that off.

2. I am big/I intimidate people. Now, the first part is true, I however have not felt "big" in this later part of my life. I know I'm physically large, but I don't "feel" it. Hard to explain. People have said I'm tall, but not "big". They don't mean fat either. I think. Now, the second part truly surprises me. I don't know what I do to intimidate, but I hope I can find out what it is so I can use it to get ahead in line at the IGA.

3. Ok, so audition teacher was the only one to say this, but he says my "look" is best described as "college boy next door". That's good, but average. But average can go either way, and can change easily, which is good. My ultimate goal is to make myself as versatile as possible, and changing-up the look. Might as well experiment while I'm at a school that encourages it. The hair thing could be just the beginning.

People also say I look like Matt Damon, but people said that in Nova Scotia too. Doesn't fit in the list, just thought I'd add it here for kicks.

We just did our Instructor Shoot last week. It was cool because I got the lead, the hardest part of that being not letting it go to my head. Really, no one wants to act or hang out with some cocky asshole who got his attitude from being in the first class production. No matter how big I could get, I can never let it get to my head. No one stays on top forever. But hey, I gotta start climbing first. There will be plenty of humbling moments along the way.

The cool thing about the Instructor Shoot is the film production class learning just as much as us actors are. They learn all the filmy-set stuff like reading the clack-board thing and knowing what to say in what order. There's a lot of words that a lot of different people gotta say. It's a lot more than just "action" or "cut". Or in Chris' case "go" and "shit, go again".

Speaking of Chris, I really miss the guy. Stuart too. I just think it'd be so awesome to have the Fishbowl Triumverate out here. We'd rock a lot of socks off. Seriously, I'm talkin' a sock-rockin' epidemic here. Now that I know more actors, it's giving me more ideas for stuff we can do with them. It's the Fishbowl way to write a story around what you have easily accessible to you.

I actually miss a lot of people out here. But I think I've found my place in Vancouver. I originally wanted to go straight to LA after school, but I'm thinking I'd be better off starting small here and move on up, or just going with wherever the flow takes me. I'd still be in Canada, and I really love the city. Plus LA is full of aspiring actors who all want to be movie stars. I'll get there in my own time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, inspirational words and kick-butt beard to go with 'em. Matt Damon? Intimidating? Superman, yeah I guess that works for you, I always saw you as Aquaman, but what's a guy to do. And Damon is kind of a fairy, but he rocked ass in Bourne Identity. Godspeed bro, keep the good word coming