Monday, November 13, 2006

Happy Days is My Favourite Theme Song

So I got some good news today. Looks like I'll back in Nova Scotia from Dec. 14-Jan. 2. Super excited. Not to say that I don't like Vancouver. Don't get me wrong, it's great. Not perfect, but great. But I pine for home again, and I know I'd likely be super-bummed if I had to stay in BC and miss Christmas at home for the first time in my LIFE. I do feel bad about breaking my agreement with FD (he got me my flight from and to YVR, and said that I could stay in Richmond as a payment to him). But I talked to him, and he was fine with it. He was just there last week, no reason why he should hog all the fun.

This whole thing came together really quick. When I woke-up this morning, I had to no idea this would happen. I just got to talking with my parents, and boom, they booked the flight almost as soon as we got the idea. This is why I keep them around.

I'm trying not to be the typical Haligonian and complain about missing donairs, but holy canoli. After trying a 'nair out here, I would punch a small animal just to get my hands on a true drippy, saucy, spicy gourmet of the Gods. And I mean a REAL donair. It's hard to explain to people in Vancouver just what they're missing when they have the FALSE food items here. The meat's no good, and the sauce tastes like it's recipe was written in a different language. Heck, even the pizza-by-the-slice places suck. They're cheap for a reason. Pizza Corner, I'm coming for you ... Even the lack of Keiths here is bothering me. Any bar back home that doesn't have Keiths either on tap or in a bottle would have their liquor license revoked. Here, it's just plain ignorance. It's available in SOME places, but not enough places. I've tried some other beers, and while they're not BAD, per se, when I went back to Keiths, there was no comparison. It was like drinking sand, and then going back to drinking water again. So much more refreshing.

Well, judging by that last paragraph, I just fell victim to my own maritime-ness.

I'll Van City it's props. I've become somewhat addicted to sushi, of which there is no shortage of out here. There's a lot of Asian culture, and very large Asian population, which is cool. Heck, my roommate's Chinese. With a Japanese name. The languages looks impossibly difficult to learn, so I'll marvel at their vast intelligence and fashion sense. The mountains here are also incredible; when you can see them. It's actually pretty cool to see the fog and clouds sitting on them when it's overcast. The rain wouldn't be so bad if I had the proper footwear. And hour of walking the rain daily can really be a pain when your feet get super-cold and wet. The city's pretty easy to get around, and while you may get approached by some unseemly folk, it's pretty safe here. They have an NHL team, and everyone's pretty passionate about them. Heck I even like them. Though I'm not the biggest CFL fan, the Lions are going the Grey Cup, after 47,000 people watched them whop Saskatchewan. There's just so much here, it's almost overwhelming. As long as you got the pockets for it, it's a great place to live.

So, until then, I'll see all of you in a month!

P.S: Tonight is the last night for the HP Home & Home Office Store campaign at Minacs. I think I'll call them up and give them the goodbye, it is toll-free after all (1-888-999-4747, if memory serves. I only had to tell it a billion people). It certainly wasn't the best job in the world, but it paid the bills, and it was something I could forget about on the weekends. This acting stuff I have to think about 24/7. It's rough.


Anonymous said...

Will Vaughan making his triumphant return to the NS. I am home from the 9th to the 4th. We'll have to mkae plans...oh yeah and you are officially booked for the New year's Eve extravaganza at Greg King's house...I hear its going to be wicked.

Anonymous said...

one million blue peanut m&m's...honestly.

Anonymous said...

Hey hey,
Well, I realize Greg has invited you to his party, and I want you to go to that, if you want to do something crazy, Jay and I are thinking of possibly doing a polar bear dip at Lawencetown Beach at midnight New Years...
Can't wait to see you,

Anonymous said...

wooooooot, christmas break is going to be kicking this year, just don't put dimes in your beer

Anonymous said...

wooooooot, christmas break is going to be kicking this year, just don't put dimes in your beer

Anonymous said...

wooooooot, christmas break is going to be kicking this year, just don't put dimes in your beer

Anonymous said...

crap i just published that 3 times.

Anonymous said...

Erin's cut from posting. Hahahaha. Lol. Anyways, I hear you're coming back for Christmas. That's pretty exciting :) See you when you get here!
