Monday, February 05, 2007

Is This Thing On?

Hey all. Sorry for the long delay. The no-showing has been caused by a family crisis that involves myself, China, and Shaw Cable. Y'see, my roommate handles all the bills, I just pay him a flat fee every month. As of November, the roomies mother in China stops paying the cable bill that came off her credit card automatically. So not only did we lose the internet in December, we now don't have cable. And he's trying to get this taken care of with his dad, also in China, but it doesn't seem to be going well. So none of this is my fault, and I can't really tell the guy to take care of it anymore than I have to. So I'm writing this from a classmate's place, who generously gives of her wi-fi, and sweet 32-inch HDTV. She also gives her groceries to me. And her mom might give me a printer.

So onto to school business. We're working with this guy named Larry Kent, a moderately famous Canadian director. This guy has a very unique style that's been described as "raw" and "truthie". Gives Colbert a run for his money, I guess. To get acquainted with this guy, we all sit in front of the camera and tell a story with which we have a strong emotional connection. So people get up, and tell their stories. And we get ripped-up by the guy. No one showed any real emotion, everyone was BS, etc. So we go up again, and more people get it; except for me and a few other people. Now I'm starting to get what he wants. I mean, my other stories were pretty weak, I was talking about things that I put behind me. So this THIRD story is better. I at least showed something, but I couldn't keep my focus. I wasn't mad at the guy for pointing this out; I was mad at myself. I knew all this about myself, and I don't want to show my weaknesses, especially pointed out in front of the class.

Larry also asks us about our favourite movies and actors, and guess what? He doesn't like our taste. We all like these awful "commercial" movies, that don't have any "real" acting. We need to watch some real actors in real movies (read: dead people in old flicks.) I'm not saying this to bash the guy, I just like sharing his method with people; treat the students like adults. Which I guess means not agreeing with anything they say or do, but that's the adult world for yah. I start working with this guy in three days, playing a terrorist interrogator. Sounds a lot like a "24"-type scenario, which is good, because that's one of the least commercial shows I've seen.

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