Friday, January 18, 2008

Is Naruto Really THAT Good?

If you don't understand that question, go to YouTube and view the "Videos being watched right now" section for 30 seconds. I know, right?

Signed with the agent. Still need to get some stuff together before I can be submitted (fisrt, he's gotta knock me on my back and cross my legs over his and turn me over). Stuff like my new headshot, which you can see to the right of this very post here. --> (Yes, I realize that arrow will only point to it until my next post bumps this one, so enjoy it while you can.)

He wants a head shot that reads "younger", which makes sense to me. I already have prints of my favourite shot where I was wearing a suit, but makes me read upper 20's, early 30's (which I can pass for) when I'm 23 and still have some "youthfulness" in me. Funny that he says that, because in reality, I feel about twice my age. One of my roommates made a comment the other day that I'm like a 40-year-old man, all grumpy and keep-to-myself-ish and such. I suppose because of my night-time job and lack of sleep, I'm a little surlier than usual, but this opinion isn't new to me. I myself have felt at times like a 40-year-old virgin (hah) stuck in a 23-year-old virgin's body. I've been working-off a beer gut, I have two bad knees, I'm always concerned about money (but on the brink of a quarter-life crisis), I don't like going out clubbing, and I feel like all I do is work. Pair all this with my conservative viewpoints, and little involvement in current cultural and fashion trends, and it all paints a dismal picture of a man whose rose blossomed and whithered all too soon. I feel like my best years are behind me.

Luckily I AM 23, and do have years and years and (dare I say one more?) years ahead of me, BUT I realize I won't be 23 forever. Heck, I've already said my best years are behind me, squandered by aimlessly wasting time and money in my post-High School life. Some friends and I back home while trying to start a film production company kept commenting on our youth. "We're so young," "we have so much time," "look at how old all the famous guys are". We were much younger in 2003 when we started our feature. Now, 2008, said feature has been COMPLETED and has yet to see the light of day. Photography wrapped in 2005, we recorded an audio commentary for it in 2006 and recorded final voice-overs in September 2007. (Note: I'm going to try to make this the only time I bring up the movie until I devote a post to the whole thing someday. Trust me, there's a lot more to it than this.)

I dunno, maybe I'd feel younger if I watched this "Naruto" all the kids are postin' vidjehs of on that there inner-tube site.

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