Thursday, June 05, 2008

Cell Phone High

I did the smart thing today and got-up before my cell phone alarm went-off. I checked the address and bus schedule for where I needed to go, and ended-up grabbing an early bus anyway. I arrived at about 11:35 for a noon-ish call time, so, with no stores around that interested me, and what with the rain and all, I decided to just sit and wait on the bus stop bench. While I waited, I gave the Casting Assistant at Brooksbank a call to see if they still needed me to read Friday morning (they just asked me to be on stand-by.) She didn't answer, so I left a message.

By 11:45, I figure I should give the director a call like he instructed me. I figure 15 minutes early is better than 25 minutes early. Turns out I had perfect timing, as I called just after the first actor was finished. This other actor also shares an agent with me, and we had a lovely conversation a week or so ago while getting off the bus to go to Brooksbank to audition for separate projects.

The "studio" was little more than a small room in a dilapidated house. The microphone was simply a small clip-on attached to a battery, usually reserved for recording audio when a boom mike isn't possible. I clipped-on, sat down and got to 'er. The director sent the script to me yesterday, and I thought it was hilarious. Just a little side-project they made over the Christmas break, but it was fun to record my two lines, and be a part of it. And again, it was really cool just to be asked. The whole thing took about five minutes, which is one reason I love voice-over: it's a quick job, no need to set-up lights and cameras, it's just "action". The guys asked if I've done other voice-overs, and I informed them that the only two auditions I've had have been commercials, one of them being for roasted almonds. They agreed with me that roasted almonds can be a hard sell.

When I left, I turned-on my cell phone and immediately received a call from the Brooksbank Casting Assistant. She said she did need me for Friday morning, but they also may need me for the whole day. I told them it wouldn't be a problem, I'm free all day. Immediately after that, I got this:

"Audition for you for tomorrow at 2:20."
Aw, crap. I didn't expect that at all.
"I just said I'd read for (Brooksbank) tomorrow, possibly all-day."
"Ah, OK, well ... call and ask if they can work-around this audition."
"Will do."

I called the Casting Assistant while on the bus (which I hate doing. I don't talk on my cell phone on the bus if I can avoid it. The enemy has many spies, birds and beasts ... ) and told her of the predicament. She said she'd get back to me.

I had to stop at my agent's office to pick-up my new resumes, and he re-iterated that when I commit to reading, I really can't break it. I agreed that my relationship with these Casting Directors isn't worth an audition for a fairly small part, and I found I was reading literally two seconds before he called me. The only casting session for this project is on Friday, since it's a producer/director session. He said he'd try to get me one later in the day.

On the bus to downtown, the Casting Assistant calls, saying the sessions will end at around 2, but to call the Casting Director at the office to get a more detailed schedge.

Off the bus, on my way to HMV to return a DVD, and he calls saying I can tape it, but it'd have to be today. Fat chance I'd be able to book something with such short notice, and I really didn't feel like spending the money to tape for this.

I called the Casting Director at her ofice when I got home, and she gave me the schedule, saying the sessions should end around 1:30-2-ish. I told my agent this, and he said he was waiting to hear from the Casting Assistant on the other project (who coincidentally used to work for Brooksbank).

I had my cell phone in my pocket during my work-out, which I don't usually do, but this was serious. It was seriously serious. My agent called to tell me he was still waiting, but he received good feedback on me from his tennis rival and director of Battlestar Gallactica. He said they decided to cast the part older, but I did a good job. This is good news because, even though BSG is going off the air, the producers have about three or four pilots on their way, so it's good to get in good with these people.

Later at the gym, my agent called to tell me to forget about this other audition, to just worry about reading.

"(Casting Assistant for the other project) said not to piss-off (Casting Directors at Brooksbank)," which I agreed with wholeheartedly. These are the Casting Directors with which I have the best relationship, and I aim to keep it that way. I'd prefer to keep auditioning, and being asked to read, and coming "highly recommended" (said the director for the voice-over gig that morning).

At home after the gym my agent tells me that there's a part in Kyle XY they want me to audition for on Friday, which I'll just do after/between sessions. This is for a medical intern, so I'll have to find a spot to buy Grey's Anatomy scrubs. I think the CTV store on Burrard may have some.

"They'll find a good reader for you," he joked.

Days like this remind me why my cell phone bill is so high.

1 comment:

Chris said...

days like this remind me why you're such a pimp!!! you're a total pimp.