Tuesday, September 16, 2008

So Hot Right Now

Before I natter-on about my life, a fellow Nova Scotian has moved out here and is blogging about his life as a couch-surfing PA (currently working on a project I auditioned for). He's also an aspiring actor, having taken Theatre at Bishop's University. It's not as highly-regarded as VFS, but irregardless of that, the link to "No I am Not Judd Nelson" is that-a-way --->

Man I needed today.

I've come to the realization that my moods depend on my acting; if the acting is going well, I feel fine. If there's nothing going, then I feel lousy.

To begin, I got a call back for Supernatural, which I think holds the record for most auditions for a single show for me. Actually, most for a TV show, "I Love You, Beth Cooper" still holds the record for most auditions for a single project.

And yes, eight months into my career, I have "records." And they are shoddily-kept. Deal with it.

This one is ... interesting. The whole story about how this audition came to be is rather remarkable. So, allow me to remark upon it.

Last Thursday I read for Supernatural Episode #407, but #408 was reading for one character: A giant, animatronic Teddy Bear. So, the guys came in, I read, they acted, and then the Casting Director suggested that I audition for the part. Well, when it's offered, who can say no? So later that day, I auditioned, and when they asked about any "costume/movement experience" I told them I played Darth Vader in a short (*COUGH* ) and that I took movement classes at VFS.

So today I got the call back for it, and it's a good part because if I book it my face won't be shown, so I can always come back and do another episode.

Maybe "Beth Cooper's" record will be broken after all.

Later that day at the gym I see none other than the Tooth Fairy himself, looking ripped. Like, very ripped. He's not as thick as he was in his wrestling days, but he's still large. I was slightly tempted to go chat him up and be all "hey, you know those guys you're acting with? I knew 'em first, and I helped all of 'em get the job," but I didn't want to bug him during his work-out. I also didn't want to suffered a "Rock Bottom" directly onto the gym floor, and the subsequent "People's Elbow" that would follow. I'm sure he still fights like that in real life.

After all that excitement, I check my phone after coming out of the gym shower, and see a message from my agent.

Without going into too much detail, I'm being "held" from the 24-27th of this month to film a "Webisode" (definition: an "episode", but on the "world wide web", hence the oh-so-clever combination of the words into "webisode"; nothing to do with spiders, I'm afraid) of a certain TV show that filmed it's last episode in July and is now making an MOW and is now apparently making webisodes. It's the show that will not die, and I never want it to.

I'm super-psyched just to be acting in it, and with no details, my brain is going wild imagining what this could entail. I mean, webisode = web series, right? Possible recurring? Ohh, I do love that word "recurring". Another cool thing is I could be shooting on the 26th, which is my birthday, which certainly beats being in an OFA class all day like I was last year. The gay improve show that night was pretty fun, glad I didn't really kiss that Drag Queen.

Moving on.

More Celebrity sightings tonight as Owen Wilson sat at the bar at the World-Famous Cactus Club Cafe, and left happy. He was watching the Monday Night Cowboys/Eagles game, and had to be pleased at the outcome. My guess is that he was in town for "Night At The Museum 2".

I told the roomies I couldn't live where I am now, and thankfully they understood. I'm a big reason we moved here, as I wanted the three of us to stay together, but the place is just too much for me. They love it, which is good, I just need to find another person with some money to love it as much as they do. If you (yes, YOU, Mr. or Mrs. Reader) are at all interested, drop me a line and I can dish the deets on the place. Finding a replacement is top priority, finding another place will be second.

That second part should be easy, considering the front page of the paper was about the record-low vacancy rates in Vancouver. No big deal.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

So Much To Do, So Much To See-attle

Since last I wrote, I:

- Taped an audition for something shooting in Romania.
- Pretty much became a full-time reader.
- Moved.
- Auditioned in front of the guy I was supposed to act with in Battlestar Galactica.
- Visited Seattle.

Let's take it from the top, shall we?

The taping was for a Sci-Fi MOW called "Hellhounds". I don't know who at Sci-Fi is coming up with these titles, but they're brilliant (sadly, DRAGONSTEEL has changed its name to "Mirabilis", which is the name of the world where the story is set. Lame). The audition was for the lead role, which was pretty cool, but they needed to know some things first:

1. Do you have a valid passport? (I do)
2. Do you have any allergies? (I don't)
3. Do you have any tattoos? (I don't)
4. Can you ride a horse? (I ... can, I guess)

My reader for my taping slept past her alarm, so being a little stressed before the taping didn't help. Luckily, my female roommate was able to bail me out, and I gave an audition that my agent called "good work". Well, that's a relief.

I met with him recently, saying that my work is good, but he's not sure why I'm not booking as often. He keeps harping on this "testosterone" thing that he says this town needs. So, we decided an image change might be in order. Nothing huge, just change the hair a little (which I never really cared for anyway) and grow some scruff. Sweet, the beard's comin' back, baby!

He's also worried that I'm reading too much, which is wearing me down a little. I read in the day and I work at night, which leaves virtually no time to go to they gym, or to get anything simple done, like dry-cleaning. I told him that I don't want to be a career reader, but I need the money, and I like doing it. He doesn't mind me doing it, he just thinks four or five times a week is excessive.

The move was the entire day Sunday, helping the movers get everything into the van (except for my bed, what great luck on my part) and the second half of the day was spent cleaning, which turned out to be sub-par anyway, according to the landlady.

This new place is quite nice ... but I can't stay. I'll find me a replacement roomie and cheaper digs. It's just way more than I need, and to pay for it, I need to be working way more than I should. I'm making some money reading, but it's not consistent, and Cactus Club is scaling back hours across the board. I'd be nice to book a part, but I don't have much control over that.

I thought I had a great chance with a Battlestar Galactica MOW that they're making. Edward James Olmos, the guy I was supposed to share a scene with when I first booked on the show, was directing. I couldn't help but tell him:

"Hey man, I supposed to do a scene with you on the last episode, but they didn't shoot it."
"Well, let's see if we can't get this one," he said.

Well, I didn't get this one, but I came close. But hey, close only counts in horse-shoes, hand-grenades, and US Federal Elections.

My parents came to visit last Thursday, and are currently somewhere between Golden, BC and Banff, AB. We went to Seattle last Friday, which was fun. It's the first major American city I've ever visited, and I got to see the first ever Starbucks. Way cool. I got me $100 in green-backs before going down, but I didn't spend near all of it. I wanted a Pearl Jam shirt, but I ended-up with a Big Lebowksi t-shirt, and Washington University hoodie. Not a bad haul, and the good part is that it's close enough that I can just make a day of it again.

Or a weekend of it, if the Seahawks were playing, for instance.