Monday, December 08, 2008

"2009 Will Be Your Year"

Just a friendly reminder to all in the Vancouver BC area that a night of plays in which I am preforming begins ... wait for it ... Tuesday night 8pm at Havana Theatre on Commercial Drive. That's 1212 Commercial Drive, for those with Google-mapping tendencies. Hit-up for tickets, $15 for civilians, $10 for students. Bring a friend or two or fifty-nine with you.

"Specter" by Don Nigro, "The Problem" by A.R. Gurney and "Fool For Love" by Sam Shepard are all part of this delicious three-course night of "... unrivaled entertainment" - The Will Street Journal, and " ... the kind of acting that makes you look at yourself in the mirror and say 'no matter what I do in life, it shall be a meaningless endeavor compared to the feat I've just witnessed.'" - The Vaughancouver Sun.

I had my first audition in a looong time last week, and it consisted of two lines, with is a 100% increase over the line I had in my previous audition which was ... six weeks ago. Memories not what it used to be.

This was one of those things where I was reading auditioners for the project, and the Executive Producer himself asked me(!) to audition for a certain role. With enthusiastic pluck, and vim, and vinegar and caffeine, I read those two lines ... well, like a nervous wreck.

The Exec was laughing at me even as I was walking in the room,

"Look at how nervous he is now that he has to be on camera!"

I don't usually think of myself as a nervous person, and in this case I didn't freeze, I just had a nervous twitch in my legs. I was able to relax more after a few takes, but man; I either need to take another acting class, or I just need to audition more.

"2009 will be your year," says my agent at my agencies voice acting workshop this past weekend. This workshop was intended to give us a chance to go into the recording studio and work on mike technique, voice over auditions and stuff like that. I discovered I can't "read" young, because I resonate too low. It's cuz I'm so many and masculine. Well, no one actually said that to me, but I could tell that they were all thinkin' it. Hopefully I'll have some luck recording commercial voice-overs. The Agency Christmas party is tomorrow. Did somebody say open bar?

Well, 2009 isn't here yet, but if I could use "my year" anytime, it would be now. I know I'm on the cusp of something. A lot of changes have happened already. Hopefully I'll a semi-permanent address soon so I can get my life in order and concentrate on what I need to do to succeed. It's why I can come a across as nervous or too serious; I just want to well. I need to concentrate very hard to do what I need to do. And a lot of the times concentration is easier said tha- I'M HUNGRY.

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