Thursday, March 20, 2008

"So I Hear You've Got a Blog ... "

... is what the nice lady said to me in the hair/make-up trailer. I was stunned.
"How did you know?"
"Oh, someone told me."
She went on to explain that when I signed-on for the movie (I don't remember signing a "contract" per se) that there's a confidentiality agreement involved, and though it would very fun and exciting to write all about my first day on major set, I don't want to get the Fox legal team on my tuccus. I sure don't.
"You also don't want to be out of the movie. This could kick-start your career, you don't want to ruin it."

Now, here's my biz class in action: people know what you do online. If you broadcast something to the entire internet, they will find it, and it's in a company's best interest to know who is talking and what they're saying, especially when dealing with confidentiality agreements. Also be mindful of what you put online: pictures, what you say to others, it can all be tracked, and easily.

Really, I appreciate the courtesy (and maybe she is a fan, who knows) because I didn't really know what I could or couldn't say about being on set, and I still don't, but now that I know people are watching, I'll be more careful.

Obviously I'll still be talking about the auditions; I don’t sign anything until I'm hired. However when I go to set, those days will be kept to me and those closest to me, not broadcast for the world to see. Really, the less I say about the actual gigs the better, and if you want to know anything about the movie … go watch it.

I would rather write about it, though. I really wanted to tell people what a day on set was like, without giving anything away anything about the scene or the plot, but I also need to be careful about what I say about other people. I try to be mindful of naming names, and I like to think I only speak highly of most people, but I still need to be careful. I wanted this Blog to be the outsider's eye into the wacky world of entertainment, but I still need to make sure I have a career to write about. This is where the “I Love You, Beth Cooper” saga ends.

Remember when I suggested a PSA that said "Internet Blogs: are you sure you know who's reading?"

I guess I'm not so sure.

1 comment:

Matt said...

I hope I'm in that little group of closest people. I bet I am.