Thursday, April 03, 2008

"Show More Character"

Thinking I would walk into a room of various scurvy sea-dogs, it turned-out I was the only guy who thought to dress as a sailor to audition for the role of a sailor, and sadly my hat only lasted one take in the audition room.
"It's the kind of thing the director would want to see," explained the Casting Director when she told me to take it off. It was also a tad disheartening to hear every guy who went in before do close to the same thing I was doing choice-wise. I wish they'd soundproof that door better.

Something that surprised me when watching the first "Night at the Museum" (doing my homework, natch) was the logo for "1492 Productions" who is the only other production company on my resume that isn't from VFS. Yep, Chris Columbus produced the first one, along with Mark Radcliffe and Michael Barnathan (all three are producing "I Love You, Beth Cooper") and all three are producing the sequel. I have my fingers crossed for a possible call back and possible producer-director session. Like, I have all ten fingers crossed here, and it is NOT easy to do that and type at the same time.

I called my agent after the audition, as per usual.
"When did you first shoot on Beth Cooper?"
"Uh, about two weeks ago ... yeah, two weeks ago today, and then I went in again last week."
"Yeah, 'cuz they usually pay you after nine days, so I'm just wondering what's going on here ... I need to call (the Casting Director) and ask her if they're bringing you back."
You mean they may NOT?
It was also odd that he'd ask the CD and not, y'know, someone on the movie itself. So now it's back to waiting by the phone again ... not like I do anything else.

He did go on to tell me that a friend of mine in the agency tested for something in LA yesterday, flying out there at 3:30 am. They didn't go with her, but my agent says "she's getting close." I hope she is, she's working her little fanny off, and deserves everything she's earned.

When I got home (after running to and from the bank to pay for my helpful BC MSP) I had two e-mails from my agent. The first one said that the role of Stavros (the character I read for "Spectacular!") went to someone else in the agency. The second e-mail said this:

"Everyone says your work is good and keep going. One thing is to show
More character and lossen up. Just a suggestion"

I called a buddy and got to watch the first Canucks game of the season with him, which was one of the last games of the season. In fact, it's the game they lost to officially miss the play-offs. Great. So it's screw the Western Conference, and go Pengiuns. Hockey's got me so stressed.

I guess I should lossen up.

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