Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Un-Working Man

I've been having a bit of a "vacation" these last few days since I'm not scheduled to work at my new location until Saturday morning. And that's it. That's all they can give me at the new site, which means I'll either have to find some more hours with Securiguard, who has a site lined-up for me to be on-call for or with Paladin, where I have no idea where I would be sent. I don't want to do security anywhere else, and if this site-juggling doesn't work, I can bid Paladin adios; but not Securiguard until June 24, lest I owe them over a grand for my training. It's a huge pain in the rump roast, but if I can just stay "on-call" for three months, and not really have to work, I'm fine with it. However, this vacation couldn't come at a worse time.

The student loan payments have started coming out of my bank account, and I still haven't been payed for (or been told when I'm on set next for) "I Love You, Beth Cooper". On top of that I need to pay for the first three months of my BC Care Card, which arrived just in time.

Let's just say it was important that I visited the walk-in clinic the other day, and let's just say what I was prescribed is helping clear-up the situation. And let's just say I don't like feeling the eyes on me for my sight and stink at the gym.

The Foo Fighters concert Sunday totally ruled, immensely entertaining, but one of these days I SWEAR I will get floor seats for something. Unfortunately there's only upper bowl left for Rush, and I don't know if I want to see Iron Maiden at the Pacific Coliseum (where the Foo's were) because of the bad acoustics.

Monday morning I had my very helpful coaching for my "Spectacular!" audition, which went, wait for it: Spectacularly. Had to do it.

As much as my working situation is worrying me, it's good to have some time off, and to sleep at night. I'm still getting used to this thing you people call "the sun". I'm liking it so far.

I'm going to be watching "Night at the Museum" tonight. Why, you ask? I have an audition for the sequel "Night at the Museum 2: Day at the Museum". I'm playing a sailor in post WWII Times Square, and it looks like a fun little part. The challenge here will be the Brooklyn dialect, so I may get a coaching or I may see what I can do on my own. I figure it's a short part in a comedy, so they may be going for something more "cartoony" here, which I can do.

Time to put my FD impersonation to good use.

1 comment:

Chris said...

oh man... I just read your previous post and realized we were that close to not having a conga player!! Glad scheduling somehow worked out! You rocked the congos. Your timing was impeccable and you laid down some crazy rhythms rivalling any black man with a toque in the bohemian quarters of Montreal. Yeah, you were that good!

anyways man, enjoy the time off. i'm sure you'll rock the last few auditions and the next few. Since you were a student last year, can't you claim you didn't have an income and therefore, you don't need to pay any premiums for MSP?