Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Money For Nothing

From Rush to Dire Straits two posts in a row, what can I say?

Since the ILYBC people didn't call to inform me of Friday's cancellation, I get paid the actor's day rate because I was not given 24 hours notice. I have been feeling like all I've been doing lately is waiting by the phone for a call (still no word on NATM2, it's not looking promising), which is what a lot of actors complain about. The obvious solution to this is to "make your own breaks", so I'm looking into doing something, anything performance-related where I call the shots. My thing, my way. I just need the gear, although the MacBook is a good, albeit low-fi start. Something like "Will 2.0". I made that up.

Back to ILYBC and phone-waiting, it is very stressful just waiting for the dang call. I don't know why they couldn't give a few days notice, but hey, that's why they're paying me for doing nothing. Really though, someone in the production office couldn't just say "Hey Murray, can you call this William guy, tell 'im we don't need 'im? Well then PAUSE it then! What? Whaddyah mean Mortal Kombat II can't be paused?" It really can't be.

But I should watch what I say, Fox is reading this after all. I will say that I have bought the book (available at fine bookstores everywhere) that the movie is based-on, and it is quite funny. Larry Doyle also penned the screenplay, so ILYBC fan-boys and -girls have no one to complain to if they "changed too much stuff" from the book for the movie. If the book is any indication, then the movie will be the best and funniest film ever made, hands-down.

Not only is Fox reading this, but upon arriving at the Cactus Club tent yesterday, I was met with some shocking news:

"Hey man, we checked-out your blog!"

Oh no they di'n't. Yeah, they di'd. It's a good thing I was nice after my interview, but in all honesty, all my dealings with this company have been pleasant.

And every work day thereafter for the rest of my life will be better than the last, and the profits, they will make for us the bed of eternal slumber, praise be to Feenie.

I do think it humourous that a restaurant (albeit a major one in the Lower Mainland) did an internet background check, but neither SECURITY company did any check whatsoever; or, if they did, gave no warnings about the NDA's I have signed with both companies in regards to any online publications. You'd even think EA would make sure the people working for them, contracted though we may be, didn't spill-the-beans online in the form of, say a Blog, Podcast, or a "Shoot the monkey, find-out about new features in NHL 09" Flash banner ad.

Heck, the fact that I am writing this very post FROM THEIR FRONT DESK COMPUTER is funny enough to me.

I'll be out of a job by tomorrow.

I find it odd that Fox and Cactus Club both found this-a-here lil' website, but upon Googling myself (my palms have a five o'clock shadow) I come-up with bupkiss. Nothin'. Nadda. I fail to find myself in any combination of my names that I enter. Ah well, if I didn't want people to find this, really, I wouldn't make it. Everyone online should know that they are literally broadcasting to the world, and anything they post can be seen by anyone at any time. No one is safe.

On an unrelated note, Steve, you said you needed to borrow my credit card, and I'm sorry I was too busy to get it to you today, so I'll just type it here: 4556785609871453, Expiry 06/10. Hope that helps, buddy!

Check-out the links to the right, I've just added my horrible Geocities page that I made five years ago. Your eyes have been warned.

1 comment:

Matt said...

Made up "Will 2.0" all by yourself, didja?