Sunday, April 20, 2008

Something For Nothing

Really the only things to report since my last post of ten days ago are that I've been shortlisted for Night at the Museum 2 (as of last Monday) and I didn't get called to set (on Friday.)

For all I know that NATM2 short listing may now be an un-listing, and if it is I'm hoping te get a re-listing to audition for some other part (ala 1492's other production known as, say it with me now, I Love You Beth Cooper.)

Other than not auditioning, the past week was filled with a lot of not working and not getting any younger. I went up a mountain on Wednesday. That was fun (and expensive), but at last I was able to look down from the heights that I look up to everyday. At last, I was able to look down upon my world be as tall as I feel (look for pictures to come soon, none of them taken by me.)

Monday I meet at Cactus Club to hash-out a training schedule, get all my training manuals. I find it mighty ironic that I pass the time at my current job by studying for my future job, and I guess that's technically what I was doing when I worked on auditions at work.

That's about all to report for now, so without further ado, here are some random thoughts:

- Happy Pot Day, pot heads! I'm sure glad there's at least one day (or two, if you count July 1st ... and some other random day I can't recall, but it's on lamp posts all over town, so keep an eye out, y'hear?) dedicated to smoking of your beloved "Sweet Leaf". I never understood the appeal of pot, I've tried to distance myself from it as much as possible.

Why? Because I know it would take me under if I started. Really, I don't need anything else in my life to make me lazy and give me cravings for junk food; I can manage that well enough stone sober, thank you very much. Vancouver is a city where people smoke it on the streets and no one bats an eye (unless they get smoke in it, ow) and it's quite popular among the kids my age.

"More people do it than don't," a friend of mine from back home once argued, and it took a lot to stifle the urge to echo the words of my dear, sweet muddah "if more people jumped-off a bridge than didn't, would you?" (I always thought that was the dumbest parental phrase in world until she added "well, what if there was water underneath?" THEN I would do it.)

- This morning I saw one of those planes dragging a banner ad. This particular ad was for a local College. How do you explain that to the registrar's office? There's bound to be a question on some application form that looks like this:

29A. How did you hear about this College? (Please CHECK ALL that apply):
i. ( ) Friend/Family
ii. ( ) Newspaper Ad
iii. ( ) Radio Ad
iv. ( ) Television Ad
v. ( ) Internet pop-up Ad
vi. ( ) Public Transportation Ad
vii. ( ) NASCAR Bumper Ad
viii. ( ) Hockey board Ad
ix. ( ) An airplane dragging a banner Ad

29B. If you checked "xi." what else, if anything was being advertised? (Please CHECK ALL that apply):

- What's with student film-makers and zombie movies? I swear, every single living film-maker has made one at some point in their career, most of them making them in their early days. I don't dislike the genre, but ... c'mon, enough with the zombies already. What about ... botany? Not enough flicks happening about botany, and I can't see why: No need for crappy make-up or gore effects, and plants are always the first to show-up and the last to leave. Heck, it's like they've never left their mark since they were placed there. They are truly the ideal performers (although some trees come-off as a bit wooden.)

As you can tell, I'm heinously bored, and shall stop myself here before I cause anymore damage to myself and others.

1 comment:

Matt said...

Mad truth about the pot thing. I strongly question the whole "more do it than don't", frankly. Also, SO TRUE about zombies and student films. Just last week, a buddy sent me some film, and bah gawd there were zombies. Boo.