Thursday, April 10, 2008

"You're Hired"

Alright, so my good, great buddy Sara suggested I come in to the restaurant where she works and apply for a job. It's a little place called Cactus Club Cafe, and it was one of the first "out here" chains I visited when I moved to Vancouver.

When I lived in Nova Scotia, being part of youth ministry there, we would go out for wings and beer after our youth nights every week. The locations changed over the years, but the idea remained: a social outing with friends to unwind a recap the night/week, and it was always good times. Well, they had the same idea (I think FD brought it over with him) at the parish in Richmond where I sing in the choir. When I first arrived they'd head to the Cactus Club, and I found it quite delightful. To be fair, if there's a place that'll put food in front of me I will likely give it top marks, but Cactus maintained a pretty high level of quality food-wise as long as I've been here.

So with my extremely light work schedule, I made time to visit her yesterday afternoon, and enjoy some of that rockin' CCC chow. I brought my resume, which when combined with my weak-sauce application form made it glaringly obvious that I've had no experience in serving tables, which is what I was gunning for. You can make some serious coin handling hot plates, just ask Sara, my roommates, and any other class members of mine out here who come home with their pocket-seams struggling to contain their tips.

I wasn't guaranteed an interview and there was a management meeting going on when I visited, but I go an interview anyway. I turned-on the William C. Vaughan charm, and was told that I'd be great at that location ... for the kitchen. Not my first choice, but I'd work it if I had to. Then the interviewer recommended I check out the new Cactus Club they're building downtown. I've read about this place, with it's 20' ceilings, authentic art and suspended dining room located in the middle of the business district, this place is literally going to be the hottest restaurant in Vancouver once it's open (June 2nd). The interviewer said to grab a shirt and tie and look alive, because the Regional Manager was going to be on-site to oversee hiring, and he's keeping an eye out for sparkling personalties. Welp, you know what that means.


I headed to the only place I knew with clothes that looked as good as fabric as I do as flesh and bone: Sasso. Again introduced to me by the Richmond contingent, this place specializes in imported European clothing at surprisingly good prices and just moved downtown (corner of Nelson & Granville) in the last few months. I wanted a shirt and tie, and I came out with more than I bargained for, but that didn't surprise me. Let it be known, if you walk inside that store you're almost guaranteed to go from looking at it on the rack to looking at it on your rack (if you're female) in a matter of seconds. And the staff won't let you stop there, just be open to what they give you and know when to say no.

I ended-up saying "no" to a fair bit, but I also said the most expensive "yes" ever at a clothing store, but hey, it's all an investment: for the interview, and for auditions, and it ain't hurtin' the ol' self-esteem neither (fun fact: for those who don't know, that flamboyant blue shirt and vest combo that I sport in my head shot comes from the very store you've just read about.)

I planned on going at around noon today, but I went to the gym first, and then the Princess kept being in another castle, so I didn't get there until the late afternoon, sporting my brand-new shirt, tie, blazer, jeans and sense of confidence.

I rolled up in there and the guys at the front table asked if I was there to audition for "So You Think You Can Dance"

"NO! I'm here to apply for the Cactus Club here, STUPID!" would have been the wrong thing to say, but I enjoyed their playfulness, and told them that I was there to be the best employee in the history of Cactus Club, which may not have been the right thing to say either, so instead I just played-along and said,

"Yeah, should I just get set-up at the front there?"

Then we got down to brass tacks and when they asked I told them that I was there to be a server, BUUUTTT I knew I'd have to start at a lower position first.

"Well, we're hiring Porters right now."

Awesome. I don't really know what a Porter IS (like a bar-back, right, like he helps, uh, "port" stuff around?) but I'd do if it got me to a serving position someday.

So I fill-out another applications form. I hate these because they really make my credentials look awful.

Did you go to University?

How many years did you attend?

Did you graduate?
... N

Did you just give-up on that and try acting instead?

List your previous employment experience, with the most current first.
Security Guard, Call Centre Agent, Video Store Clerk.

Are you freaking kidding me?
... N

I slogged through that double-sided nightmare once again, and then the interviewer took a seat in front of me.

"Are you American?"
"No, I'm from Halifax, I've just taken extensive acting training to get rid of may accent."
"Oh, so if you drop that you're saying 'car', 'far', 'bar' (all with hard "r's")?"
"Pretty much, yeah."

We jawed through the typical interview questions, and he said I'd make a good Porter, being a good size, and not being afraid of a little physical labour. I told him I can do pretty much any job I'm trained to do, and I like to joke-around but get down to business when necessary.

"You're hired."

Just like that. Like I said, the place opens June 2nd, so the training will start in the middle of May. I need to get a "Serving it Right" number (legally required to serve alcohol in BC) and I'll meet with them next week to receive the manuals to start to read-up on everything. The other thing they need from me is more people, so you heard it here first, Vancouverites: if you're looking to apply, tell 'em Willie sent'cha.

(Ironic quirk of the day: Securiguard was going to have me patrol the same set of buildings that Cactus will be a part of. Now the guard becomes the guarded. I feel so secure.)


Chris said...

hahah. nice nice Will! I'll see you there when it opens. If you'll be able to make time for us now that you'll be surrounded by even larger numbers of beautiful women. The level of snobbism will increase as the priority of us common church folk will decrease. I see how it is. Just don't forget who made you hot Will... you guessed it... g-unit...

almost anonymous said...
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