Sunday, August 13, 2006

Standing on the Edge of Tomorrow

Well, here I am. It's almost midnight on the day I leave Dartmouth for Vancouver for at least one year. It's funny that I've had over a full year to prepare for this day, and yet it's still hard to believe this is all happening to me. It's rrll rrll exciting.

The reason I went to the first VFS information session with my life-partner (Chris), was to "audition for the acting program", as the newspaper ad read. I had no intentions of attending the school due to the immense cost and distance, and also not wanting to give-up the kicking gig I had of working at the local video chain part-time earning slightly more than minimum wage. Then for some reason I went to the same information session a year later with the same guy, but I really didn't know why I was there that time. So I decided to take the plunge while I was there, and at least fill-out an application form to save on some fees, and see what happened from there. Also, let me tell you that I'm not very pro-active when it comes to most things. Luckily the school made the first step by getting my in touch with a great Academic Advisor to finish the application.

In this process, my Advisor suggested that I come to VFS that year instead of waiting a few years like I planned. And why not? My work was nothing I wanted to dedicate my life to, and this would be my rare chance to chase my life's dream. And finances? Hey, I could just get a Student Line of Credit from RBC, and some Student Loans, and I'd be set, right? Sure I didn't have a dime to my name at the time, but I could just borrow most of the money, and pay it off later, no problem. Well, problem; my parents thought I was ludicrous. And, as painful as this is to write, they were right. Sure I could borrow a ton of money, but what have I done to that point that told them I could pay off the debts? I was so poor with handling my money, I used an old Kleenex box as a piggy-bank, and I blew my nose with 20's. So they suggested I stay at home and earn some real money myself before going out to BC.

And it was the best thing I could have done. I've earned the money I said I would earn, and I met some great people in the process. My call-centre job wasn't the best, but I think I'm coming out the other end with a better appreciation for actually earning a living. Also, I have a good feeling if I can do that, I can do just about anything.

There's a lot more to that whole story of the first installment of my VFS Oddyssey, including being seconds away from not going the second information session, and driving across Canada with an Atonement Friar from Rhode Island, but I'll save those for another day, when I have more time. Right now, I'm just too anxious to think about anything else.

I'm, about to take my first step into the larger world (and maybe I'll be able to finally see the remote with the blast-shield). And with that, I leave you with my philosophy for the future: I'm standing on the edge of tomorrow, and it's up me to see how far I go.

(Yes, it's from the theme song of "Saved By The Bell: The College Years", and yes, it'd be a great think to write in someone's yearbook who you don't really know or like, but want to write something motivational and inspiring).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well Mr Will,
I can't believe you are gone. I had great intentions of calling and talking to you before you left..... I was hoping to find wonderful words of wisdom to give you about being proud of you as you set out on your way, and how ...... you know, ..... this is the first step in a long journey, but after reading your blog (which is the first blog I have ever seen) you have a good head on your shoulders. I know this is a huge step and it will at times be filled with uncertainties but I also know that you can do this. You have grown alot in the last years and I want to tell you that my thought and prayers are with you every step of the way. I will follow your journey on this blog and I will encourage you whenever you need a push and worry about you when you are uncertain and most of all I will take pride in your accomplishments along the way
Good Luck and God Bless You Will