Tuesday, May 13, 2008

I Saw Sara At The Audition

When I showed-up at the Casting Office, I found no people and the door closed. Did I screw-up the day again? Thankfully, no. A quick call to my agent alleviated any concerns, and a few minutes later the Casting Assistant came downstairs to open the doors and to tell me to come upstairs to get the sides. We were only auditioning one part, and it was a girl part. Awesome. And she's supposed to be hot. Double awesome. Doublawesome.

Sitting in the waiting room, I quickly learned that readers, much like the actors who work with them, also sit in the waiting room. While waiting, who should show-up first but my great buddy Sara. She blew a snot-bubble laughing.
"Who are you auditioning for?"
"I'm actually reading."
Well, who better to read with first than the girl I quite often read for? I helped her go over the sides (well, she helped me too), much like we'd do when I'd help her put stuff on tape.

There were only about seven or eight actresses auditioning, so I also took-over as a Casting Assistant, which just meant that I had to highlight the list of performers, and bring in the head shots and resumes in the right order.

It was very interesting to see the different actresses come through the doors, and to see their varying takes on the character. I didn't hear any "dirt" in the room, since I was relegated to waiting outside the door and being called in when the actresses were.

The whole thing went off without a hitch, so there may be a chance I'll get asked to read again. Here's hoping. I'll be getting paid for it and everything.

Afterwards, my agent called, laughing about running into Sara.
"I wanted to see if she could handle it."
So it was all a dirty trick! Why I oughta ... thank him for all he's done. I don't think it threw Sara at all, she's been through enough that this wouldn't be a big deal. But look at me, carrying-on.

The next Pre-screen is with the "Altitude"/"Revolution" folks -- wait a minute. OK, I'm starting a new Casting naming system. I shall name them by street name, so as not to name them directly, but it'll get too confusing to name them by projects. These Casting folks shall henceforth be known as Broadway (and for the record, my North Vancouver peeps shall be known as Brooksbank. Make a chart if you have to.)

So I'll go to Broadway tomorrow to pre-screen for a Scooby Doo prequel. This will be a made-for-TV-movie that they're hoping to make into a series. I'll be pre-screening foer the part of Fred, my lady roommate is going out for Velma, which she is perfect for. This is going to be fun, and I'm really glad I got that bleach-job yesterday.

Turns out losing that bet worked in my favour, however, this is the last time I pick Germany in an IIHF hockey game. I just thought Canada had to lose sometime ...

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