Thursday, May 01, 2008

Play The Game

I earned my "Serving It Right" certificate yesterday, which means I can now serve booze in BC to anyone ... provided they're of age and not already wasted. The exam was open-book, which I thought was kind of unnecessary; in fact, I kind of found the whole program unnecessary. Just tell your servers not to serve anyone underage and make sure intoxicated people have a safe way home, and that's it. But, I guess the program makes people more aware of legalities, so whatever. Gotta play by the rules if you wanna play the game.

I went to "Watermania" in Richmond yesterday, which was pretty fun. I has a wave pool, which was kind of small, and I almost fell out the water slide, but that just added to the excitement.

I woke-up today at seven to slam a Xyience and hit the gym before my coaching at ten. After the coaching I went to the UBCP office to receive my Apprentice Number and learn all the fun benefits involved with joining the Union. I just hope they'll be worth the $450.00 Full Membership fee I'll have to pay when I get four more credits. Again, gotta play by the rules to play the game.

After stuffing myself with delicious sushi (I ate all that I could) I headed to hallowed North Shore Studios for my "Caprica" audition. I know I don't describe these auditions in great detail like I used to, and that's for two reasons: first, I really need to be careful what I say. I've been surprised before by who reads this, and I need to watch what I say about whom. Second, really, if you've done one, you've done 'em all to varying degrees. It's largely the same thing every time, with the occasional thing worth mentioning, which I had tonight:

There was a way I read a certain line that caused the Casting Director to ask why I read it the way I read it. I just backed myself up with what was happening in the script in that scene, and she understood. She said it was a "reasonable interpretation," which could mean I was way off the mark of what they were looking for, or she really never thought of that choice before. Either way, it got noticed, and that can't be all bad.

My agent sent an e-mail yesterday saying that things are slow because of the impending acting strike in the US. Some people up here think it may benefit us up-and-comers, but I don't think it will at all. They'll simply halt productions without the stars. No one wants to see a bunch of scabs starring in the big features (however, that scenario has given me an idea for a movie, but I've got the feeling that it's been done already.)

I enjoyed an alright banana protein smoothie on the bus and Seabus on the way home and made my Costco shopping list. Back home, Costco (first known to me as "Price Club") used to be such an event, but now that I live within walking distance, it's just a good place to go to get 4L of Helmann's for a good price. My inherent thriftiness puts the idea in my head that I can carry my two 50lb bags of goods, instead of pay for the cheap cab ride home. The guy in the elevator agreed: there's no better workout than the "Costco Carry".

In the odd ironies department, I can't help but be amused by the fact that Mario Kart Wii introduces motorcycles to the series; motorcycles that you control with the new "Wii Wheel". It's still fun, with a bit more of a learning curve due to the new control option, and the online play is a blast. Some people complain about Wii's online play, but the first time I tried it with MKW, I was racing with 11 other people around North America in about two minutes. That's good enough for me.

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