Saturday, May 17, 2008

Surpassing Expectations

The "Scooby-Doo" audition went well, well enough to get called back; for another part. The reason I hope this gets picked-up as a series, is just that: the incidental roles that come with episodics. My agent once told me that a few years ago there were something like 14 episodics shooting in Vancouver and currently there are about ... four or so ... but don't quote me on that. Seriously, don't.

Like I said, episodics are good. Not only is there the chance that you could be cast for the pilot and be a series lead and have a decent, constant paycheck for a while, but also there's the aforementioned incidentals that may only have a few lines in one episode, or turn into a recurring character (popping-up every now and again) or even a series regular (in about every episode, but not a major character.) Any way you slice it, it's a nice piece of working pie for actors, and that's a good thing. Unless you hate pie and actors, in which case buddy, yer readin' the wrong blog.

I was asked to read for Brooksbank again on Thursday, this time putting in a full eight-hour day. I'm going to keep tight-lipped on what I read and who I saw, because my agent and his daughter warned me against spilling my guts about the projects and screwing myself professionally. Remember, I'm broadcasting this for the world to see with my big fat name emblazoned right on the front page, I'd hate to shoot my career in the foot by accidentally mentioning a secret project and/or name. What I can say was the reading was, again, a real learning experience, and a tonne of fun. It's really interesting to see what actors can get away with in the room, and it's going to free me up for future auditions because, like my second term Audition Technique teacher drilled into our heads: It's your audition. Really, the Casting Director shouldn't object to anything that helps the actor give the best audition possible. Mistakes are allowed, and perfectly OK, even I messed-up a few times. That's the beauty of taping. Luckily my screw-ups weren't severe enough that they didn't want me to read for them again, because they asked me to do another full day on Friday, which I had to turn-down because I had Cactus Club Expo Orientation that morning, and my security job in the afternoon. I wish reading was my full-time job, that would be sweet. I still don't know what they're paying me but, heck, I'd do it for free (but don't tell them that.)

This security gig is going to be tough to leave. As I write this, I'm watching the Dallas/Detroit game, and am fully intent on watching the Philadelphia/Pittsburgh game tomorrow. I can Blog, chat on MSN/Facebook/the phone pretty much all weekend, and the people I work with in the afternoons are pretty cool. They're sad to see me go, and who can blame them. Trust me, I've seen the alternative, and as far as security guards go, I'm pretty dang personable. Heck, that's a big reason I'm leaving: My people skills can be better utilized elsewhere.

I've hashed-out a training schedule at a different Cactus Club location, just so I'll be trained-up by the time the new restaurant opens. First impressions are important, and the first few weeks of being open are going to call for nothing less than a top-notch effort from everyone. I don't know what to expect, but it's going to be fun, no matter what I have to do to make it so. I used to get a certain rush from being busy at previous jobs, and unlike my current job, boredom will not be an issue at Cactus Club.

I finished the novel of "I Love You, Beth Cooper". It was very funny, and looks like it will make for a fine film. Highest recommendation. Speaking of, my agent told me they might want me on set for Thursday the 22nd, instead of Wednesday the 21st. I'm free for whatever, so long as they give me fair warning and don't mind cutting my hair. I haven't cut it in over two months because I didn't want to screw continuity, and also because they can cut it for free. Yeah, I'm cheap like that. Free haircuts, so long as I keep booking roles. My agent is expecting me to do two more times by years end.

I hope I can surpass his expectation.

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