Monday, May 12, 2008

Tables Turned

I just got a phone call from one of the people at my Agencies office asking me to be a reader tomorrow morning.

For the uninitiated, a reader is just the person who, well, reads the opposite character or characters in an audition. They stand by the camera and provide a cue/eye line for the actors auditioning. This will be for "Smallville" and will be for my peeps at North Shore Studios.

I'm really privileged just to be asked to do this, and it'll also give me a chance to be on the other side of the audition. The pressure will be off ... or it may be augmented. If I screw-up during an audition, that's a ratio of one standard screw-up-per-day, but if I screw up a couple of these, it'll be a ratio of a coupla-screw-ups-per-day. Ah well, mistakes happen. I'm glad my incredible friend Sara let me read for some of her on-tape auditions for practice. It certainly paid-off.

Friday night was the Celebration of Hires for the new Cactus Club. The staff there is going to be huge, 165 or so, and it looks like we'll need every last one of them to keep the place running. Big expectations for that location, and I couldn't be more stoked to be a part of it. I'm nervous about it, but once I start working, I'm sure I'll take to it like a Steelhead Salmon to the beautiful, deep-lake waters of Lois Lake.

Saturday night was the General Manager Orientation, which handles how the restaurant is ... handled. After that was our Food Orientation, sans real food, which made learning about the dishes really, REALLY hard. I hit-up my mom's afterward and ran into some people I haven't seen in a while. Sunday night, I maintained my catch-ups when I went to dinner with a friend I haven't seen in over a year. He's in Nanaimo and works for the plane company there, so he can fly into Vancouver for free, which is a nifty perk.

Someone remind me tomorrow, between the gym, reading and working to wish my dad a happy birthday. No gift in the mail (sorry, dad) but he's got a massive IOU for ... something big in the future. He knows I owe 'im.

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