Thursday, May 29, 2008

Too Much To Expect, Not Too Much To Ask

Working at Cactus Club has been about what I expected so far: busy spurts, sore feet, learning curve, and a little messy. What I didn't expect was having my fingers smell like vinegar from buffing cutlery. Apparently it gets the spots out. Who knew. While on the subject of vinegar, I also heard that a cap-full in a load of darks will prevent the colours from fading. I tried it with my new black shirts, and so far it's working. So far.

I received an e-mail from someone who read my "You're Hired" Blog, asking me to help them get a job at Cactus. I know I mention the fact that anyone can read this, but complete strangers takes that to a new level.

On Wednesday I had to pick-up my SUPER-SECRET-OH-MY-GOD-I-SHOULDN'T-EVEN-BE-SAYING-THIS sides for a Battlestar Gallactica audition. Just grad the envelop in the bush outside my agency, and don't make eye contact with anyone. Oh well, it's for the series finale, so I won't have to do that again. This was actually for two characters, so I figured I had twice the chances to book on this one.

When I arrived at Brooksbank, I found out a certain someone would be in the room: the director. A little surprising, but he was a cool guy, having my do a few takes for each character. My agent says he's an "actors director", of which I've always been a fan. I certainly prefer that to the "gaffers director", no offense to any gaffers out there.

I was supposed to meet-up with my friend Sara (fellow Cactus employee, at the location where I'm training) after work, but an audition came-up. Luckily, one came-up for her too, for the same show at the same Casting Director's office, at around the same time. And she had a car to get us there. Boo-ya.

The show was "Kyle XY", an ABC Family show about a dude who has a mysterious past and no belly button. The role was "Burly Guy". I don't know why I'm being sent-out for these huge parts (I mean "huge" in character description, not role size) like "Beefy Jock" and "Burly Guy", but hey, I'll take 'em. I'm dying to book something, I don't care what it is at this point. This session also had the director in the room, which I thought was unusual for first auditions, but the last two days have proved otherwise. The actual audition went well, the sides seemed a bit awkward, and there was a highly awkward moment in the room, but it worked for the scene, and the director liked it enough that he didn't have to see another one.

After all this auditioning, it'd be great to be just be offered something. Well, wishes do come true. I have been asked to act in a VFS Port Short this Tuesday, which is extremely flattering. The Port Shorts are, well, shorts written by the VFS writing class. I was supposed to act in one last September, but mandatory OFA Level 2 training nixed that. I've made sure I had work and my agent free-up my Tuesday morning for this. Can't wait to do it, and maybe this one will hit VFS' YouTube channel.

Is that too much to ask for?


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Anonymous said...

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