Thursday, February 28, 2008

"He's Not Gay In His Softness"

At the "Altitude" callback, I saw Brendan, one of the guys I was up against for the "I Love You, Beth Cooper" role. He asked if I was still reading for "Beth Cooper", and I told him that my agent told me they "went another way" with it. Turns out they went Brendan's way, which I expected, but he said it was between him and another guy, and he wasn't sure if it was me or not. Looks like it's now between him and some guy from LA, which is funny, because I could have sworn someone told me they were only casting in Vancouver (my agent's daughter said they were probably casting in LA if it was for a lead, so it looks like she wins.)

The callback itself went alright. I read it once for the director and his crew, and got a "good ... some good moments there ... " and did the awkward "yeah, thanks ... yeah ... " for a few seconds before I realized they only wanted to see it once (everyone who went in while I was waiting did it at least twice.) So, as I was leaving the Casting Director came out and gave the waiting room full of actors notes on the scene, along the same lines with what he told me the day before. When I closed the door on my way out, I couldn't help but hear "he's not gay in his softness ..." so I guess I know how that last line came across.

I'm 1 for 2 in the "Roll-Up-The-Rim" series, with as decisive donut victory. This, however is countermeasure to my new "nutrition" philosophy (y'know, eating is such a big part of nutrition ...) so I have to bid this free pastry adieu, and donate this donut to my roommates, who can eat anything and still win a swimsuit contest (but only in the "freestyle" category.)

That night I helped a team of nurses shoot a video, and was appointed the director/camera man. This was for a school project, and this took me back to my Life Teen days, directing a group of people with no acting inclinations or talent. Whatever, they'll get an "A" anyway.

I had to head to choir practice late and learn ... three songs that I already knew from Life Teen. Oh well, I got a ride to work on time, so I can't complain. This was my first Wednesday choir practice since May, when I had to leave it to make time for school. I think I'm busier now than I ever was at school, but I find you have so many more hours in the day when you eliminate sleeping. And speaking on that, I was actually seeing spots last night, it's the most tired I've felt in a long time, and that's saying something. I only slept for a few hours that day, between coming home from work and going to my audition, and I felt more tired when I woke-up than when I went to sleep.

I just got a call for another "Beth Cooper" audition. I mentioned before they may want to give me another role, and tomorrow morning I get to go out for the part of ... "Loser Clerk." I'll just channel some Rogers Video days, and I'll be fine. Looks like a funny little part, and I'm really not complaining, although a name wouldn't kill 'em. Even if it was like "Lost Clerk Eugene", I'd be happy.

On Tuesday morning next week (I'm positive on this, I read my e-mail and everything) I'm meeting some more Casting Directors before it starts picking-up in this town again. All I need to do is material I feel I would be sent-out for, so I'll just grab something I've already done, and let 'em have it.

It's the calm before the storm. Let it rain.

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