Tuesday, February 26, 2008

I'm An Idiot

I'm sure this isn't news to anyone.

I woke-up at 10am today, after a mostly restless night, ate breakfast, went to the gym (and appreciated the TVs with closed-captioning a great deal on this, the day of the NHL trade deadline) came home, and got ready for my "Altitude" callback.

I got there, and the waiting room looked especially empty, and thought awesome. Then I saw there was no sign-in sheet (all auditions have this, just lets the Casting Directors keep track of who's there and when ... I guess) which I found odd. Then I looked to the audition room and saw the door open with all the lights off. That only raised further questions!

The Casting Director walked around the corner and said "Hi ... what are you here for?"
"Altitude!" I proclaimed.
"That's tomorrow."

Son-of-a ...

"Yeah, I gave everyone two days worth of material." (I have had the same sides for almost a month now.)

He asked me who I was reading for, and gave me some useful notes on the scene. He asked who my agent was, and as I was leaving I heard him tell his assistant "Call (my agent) and tell him it's tomorrow." Man, I was gonna tear my agent a new one once I got outside for this, the ultimate humiliation.

"How did it go?"
"It's tomorrow!"
"Uh, yeah, it is," he corrected himself, "didn't you check your e-mail?"

Well, clearly I did, I checked it to make sure there weren't any new sides, but alas, looks like I didn't check enough of it. This is funny, because I actually caught myself on a previous audition when I could have sworn he told me one day, and the e-mail said another, so you think I'd be more careful.

"Always check your e-mail," he scolded.
"Well, since I'm in the area, I'm gonna come by and get some more resumes." I only have two left, and all auditions require you to bring one. I need to get them from him, because he prints them on his office letterhead on 8"x10" paper, which is the same size as the head shots, and staples flawlessly to the back of them.

"Umm, I don't think that's necessary. I have a feeling you're going to book something soon, we'll just end-up having to throw those out and print more if you do. I'm working on something big for you right now, I'll let you know when I have it."

Uh, OK.

So that's promising at least. I called a friend of mine who's waiting for a call after her callback for "Altitude", she's also part of the same agency, and the reason I'm where I am right now. I really don't know where I'd be without her.

"How'd it go?"
"It didn't go, it's tomorrow."
"You douche."

Well, I never said she was nice (kidding, Sara.)

"Better to be a day early than a day late," she said. Good point. I just wanted to get it over with, and now I'll have to go to work tonight, sleep for a few hours, audition, and then head to Richmond for choir practice, and then back to Burnaby for work. Didn't I ask for this last week? Sure did, and I'm thrilled to be getting what I deserve. No one said it'd be easy, they just said it'd be worth it.

Oh, and I'm officially 0-1 for "Roll-Up-The-Rim" after fishing my cup out of a Chapters waste receptacle in which I absent-mindedly tossed my chance for a Toyota Matrix (or millions of other fabulous prizes.)

It's just a day full of smoothness for the ol' Willster, and I'm sure nothing can possibly go wrong tonight when I go to the VFS cold read session. It's where writers get to hear their stuff "cold read" which means the actors are given the scripts for only a few minutes before having to preform them. Some agents in town make their actors cold read for them, to see how well they can pull-off a performance with little-to-no preparation (thankfully, my agent didn't.) The Solo Mobile radio audition I did a few weeks ago was a cold read, and after that I knew my skills needed some lvling, so I thought what better opportunity than to attend a free session at my old stomping grounds. I miss the VFS crew a lot, and I hope to work with them in any way I can for an upcoming feature. I told them I wasn't sure what I could do (they wanted crafty, arty people for set dec., wardrobe, etc.) but I'd be their whipping boy if they needed it. And who knows, it is being directed by Larry Kent, the fella that had me in my underwear getting beaten with a wet towel, so I'm sure whipping is not entirely out of the question.

1 comment:

Matt said...

I'm definitely 1-1 with Roll up the Rim, there's an invitation for a free coffee in my wallet right now.
Also, you had Tims in a Chapters? I'm surprised they didn't abscond it from you and force you to buy a coffee from Starbucks. Better for you, at least.