Thursday, February 14, 2008

Live To Audition Another Day

The "Jennifer's Body" audition went OK. Not great, but not bad either. I just didn't get as good a vibe from this as I did with "I Love You Beth Cooper", but really, if I hadn't gotten the callback from that, I'd feel better about this. I'm kind of stuck on the the fact that I dropped a line, which killed the pacing by about a second or two. It was nothing major, but noticeable to me, and I think the CD took notice too. But she still smiled and said "good" at the end, and my agent told me to drop it now that it's done. No sense in dwelling on very minor shortcomings, all I can do is hope to visit North Shore Studios again soon. I'm just now understanding how major the Casting Directors there are, they cast for some of the biggest projects that come to town.

In the waiting room today I saw Clifton Murray, who is a VFS grad, and who also appeared on the latest Canadian Idol. Not sure how far he made it, as I never watched it, but apparently it was pretty far. Also in the room was Jesse, the actor I was in contention with for "Beth Cooper". He hadn't heard anything from it yet, but we smiled and laughed about our little adventure. I told him to break a leg, as he did for me the previous day. He's one of the good ones, very genuine, and I hope only for good things for him.

Like I said, haven't heard anything from "Beth Cooper". Every time the phone rings I freak-out hoping the call display will read COLUMBUS, CHRI.., but I doubt if it would be him who calls. In all likelyhood it would be my agent who calls, and I hope it is, even to tell me I didn't get it, just end the waiting already. I just think it would be cool if Columbus called his leads, just to start a report with them.

Through all this I live to audition another day. This morning it's for a Solo by Bell ad or something, a voice-over, which I like. Nothing to prepare, just show up 5-10 minutes before my call, look over the sides, snap on the cans and get 'er done. I can wear a hat and everything, which I fully intend to do.

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