Tuesday, February 05, 2008

"You Got Another One ... "

I can't tell you how much it makes me smile when my agent never says "Hi William", or "Is this William?" when he calls. He just starts talking. Lucky for him he has has a distinguishable voice, and I have caller ID. Keeps me on my toes though, when I pick up the phone and immediately hear "You got another one".

The Stargate audition went well. I think (with my whopping two times in front of a Casting Director) that it's harder to be in the waiting room than in the audition room. You walk in to this stark-silent room, with a bunch of hungry dogs all going for the same peace of meat. But these dogs aren't that outwardly aggressive towards each other, and just sniff each other out cautiously yet politely as they all wait to get out of their cage and attack that juicy pork hock in front of the master they so desperately wish to appease.

As I said before, the audition was only two lines, which some consider harder than six pages because of the impact you need to make with so little to work with. I met the CD, went into the room, jogged on spot for a few seconds, and then leapt on the mark and spewed my words (fortunately, not literally.) I jawed with the CD for a few moments afterward, and told her it was my first real audition. She said I did well, and the feedback she sent my agent read exactly like this:

Hi Agent,

William Vaughan was good.


Casting Director

Which is as good as I can ask for. As long as they'll have me back, I'm happy.

So this "other one" is tomorrow at 1pm. Kinda bummed I couldn't get a coach in the limited amount of time I had, but thems the breaks. I'll talk to the school about who else is available for coaching former students, I'll clearly need more than three options.

This one's six pages for a lead in a Chris Columbus flick, produced by him and two other guys that did, among other things, Harry Potter 1&2. Also it stars Hayden Panettiere, lead actress on "Heroes" and nemisis of the Japanese fishing industry. Oops, here, let me just pick-up those names I dropped all over you. Sorry.

The character is a young American soldier that enjoys what he does a little too much, and uses his skills to make life a living hell for the kid who confessed his love for my girlfriend in his High School Valedictorian speech. He also puts on a phoney southern accent, so I'll be hardcore channeling Sawyer from "Lost". They can't all be good guys folks, and I enjoy playing the people you love to hate. I did it in RCW (just wait for that blog) and have been hoping for something like this to come along. No more Mr. Nice Guy, although I'm really not that nice to begin with. So screw you, man.

Like I said it's at 1pm and in North Vancouver which means about two hours of transit time, which guarantees another sleep-deprived day tomorrow, but if Santa could do it, then so could The Grinch. After I call my agent, I'll try to give an update here. Hopefully something interesting will happen. Even if it means me screwing-up royally to make for some good Blogging material, then so be it!

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